Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas at Reedley

My first Christmas in Reedley: A Wholesome, Hug-filled Bonanza.

1) The Message-In-a-Parol that covered the school's ceilings with crayon-colored stars. The best by far was Leo's Christmas card to his sweetheart Sharon. Leo is a Korean student with puppy dog eyes, and who is forever entertaining us teachers with the endearingly cute things he says and does. This Christmas, he did not disappoint with his message to Sharon - "I'm going to Korea, you take care. I love you so much. Forever."

2) The Beatles-Mania Christmas Party where my group lost by one point in the Name-That-Tune contest because I mistakenly identified the tie-breaker song as "She Loves Me" when it fact, it was "She Loves You" (yeah, yeah, yeah!)

3) The Reedley feeling of ohana - family, which nothing in the corporate world can beat.Thank you Miss Norms, Miss Rose, Reg, Jaimie, Ginny, Dianne, Andrey, Ben Lloyd-Kinkajou and everybody.

It has been a blessed year. And at the risk of sounding like a Hallmark card, nothing beats the feeling of peace and family. Thank you thank you thank you.

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