Saturday, October 30, 2010

500 Movies For Rache

My friends Lia, Clarise, and I have decided to start a movie-review blog for our friend Rache. Here's what it's all about:

About 500 Movies for Rache
Rache is one of our friends, who, though smart and wonderful in every way imaginable, is particularly deficient in terms of her film knowledge.
Now, no friend of ours can be allowed to go on believing that movies such as Batang X and The Little Mermaid 2 represent the height of cinematic excellence.

And so, it is with a mixture of compassion and messianic complex, that we’ve decided to watch and review 500 movies for Rache, until March 31, 2011. There are three of us behind this blog, and we have decided that there is only one way to go about the movie-picking and reviewing process: indiscriminately.

We will sit through the campy and the compelling, the indie films and the blockbusters, the critics’ darlings and the straight-to-video. This is how much we love you Rachelle. And how much we love movies. By March of 2011, we hope to have a good cross-section of cinematic genres, traditions, cultures and periods. (But,let’s face it, in all likelihood, it will be mostly Hollywood fare).

So Rache, our dear, pretty, wonderful, cinematically-clueless friend, and the many others just like her, THIS BLOG IS FOR YOU.

I for one, have been enjoying this little project. That's one thing I think I can never get tired of - watching movies and writing about them. That's my dream job right there.

Click HERE to go to our awesome site.

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